This is a photo of prayer candles

The everyday choices we make can have a profound impact on our communities and the world. Choosing to live mindfully and with consideration for others can alleviate a tremendous amount of suffering, particularly for the animals who are being exploited and killed for experimentation, food, clothing, entertainment, and other cruel purposes. Here are a few simple ways you can help put your faith into action to make the world a better place for all of God’s beloved beings:

  • Volunteer and bring others along. Donate your time by helping out at a local animal shelter or sanctuary and invite your church community to join you. Many churches feature community ministries on their websites, so ask yours to share animal-friendly volunteer opportunities on theirs. You can also request that adoptable animals be featured on the website and in the weekly newsletter or Sunday bulletin.
  • Show people how delicious vegan food is. Does your church host a weekly fellowship meal? Ask for a vegan option to be included every week. Invite people to your favorite spot for vegan food after a service or a Bible study meeting. Bring your favorite vegan dishes to potlucks, sign up for meal trains to comfort sick community members with animal-free meals, or share your hospitality and compassion for animals by inviting friends to a delicious vegan brunch or dinner at your home.
  • Host a movie night. One of the most effective ways to help animals is by raising awareness of the suffering they endure around the world. An easy way to do that is by inviting members of your faith community to watch and discuss a powerful documentary such as Christspiracy, The Failed Experiment,or Sled Dogs at your home.Don’t forget the vegan snacks!
  • Donate animal-friendly items. Local shelters for the homeless often need food, clothing, towels, sheets, toiletries, and other necessities, and you can donate animal-friendly items. If your church supports clergy in a local rectory, you can ask which items they need and surprise them with a vegan care package, which also creates a perfect opportunity to open a discussion with church leadership about the importance of practicing kindness toward animals. It wouldn’t hurt to include some vegan cookies as well!
  • Don’t be shy. As caring Christians, we must be bold in speaking up for animals, which we can do in kind and encouraging ways: You can download our free Creation Care Toolkit to share with your church community or order a free activist starter pack and distribute stickers, pamphlets, and bookmarks at church events and in your wider community. If you attend college, you can use these materials to start conversations on campus about how animal rights fit into God’s plan for us to care for His creation. You might be surprised and encouraged by how many people are interested in helping animals after they learn about issues they may not have been aware of.

Easy, fun, and powerful activities like these can help transform communities, helping them to become more compassionate toward animals. As Jesus reminds us in Matthew 25:40, “Whatever you do unto the least among my brothers and sisters, you do as unto me.” We can begin to change the world for animals today with something as easy as getting tofu onto a church event’s menu.

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