No matter where you live, work, or worship, you can help reduce suffering and create a kinder world for humans and animals alike.
Here are just a few ideas!
At Home
- Host a vegan dinner party. Many people would like to try veganism but just don’t know what to eat. We can’t think of a better way to promote compassion than by showing your coworkers or nonvegan friends just how delicious vegan dining can be. Not sure what to make? Check out PETA’s vegan recipes for some great ideas.
- If you like a LAMBS page, post, or video, share it!
- PETA has won many victories, including convincing the U.S. Army to stop conducting cruel experiments on monkeys, defeating a slew of “ag-gag” bills, persuading J Brand to stop selling fur, and many more, thanks to activists who have taken action online. It takes only a second, and it makes all the difference for animals. Take action for animals now!
- Speak up when you read something online that doesn’t jive with your faith and view of animals. Join conversations and politely let people know that animals are God’s, not ours.
- Be sure to write letters on animal rights issues to the editors of all magazines that you subscribe to. Actions like these will take very little time but make a big difference for animals.
At Church
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- Talk to your church leadership about offering vegan meals at functions and fundraisers.
- Ask for permission to teach a Sunday school class on animal protection. Contact PETA for help or ideas if you need them.
- Sponsor a speaker (or arrange to give a talk yourself!). Sponsoring a speaker or giving a talk is easier than it sounds, and it’s very effective. Contact us for ideas for possible speakers and information on becoming a speaker yourself.
- Host a video screening and Q&A session. If you are nervous or need help answering some of the most frequently asked questions about Christianity and animal protection, let us know, and we’ll help walk you through it.
- Ask your church library to carry animal-friendly books and DVDs. We’ll send out our books to libraries for free—just ask your church administrator to write us a letter on church letterhead to receive our free library pack of books, videos, and factsheets. Requests can be sent to: PETA’s LAMBS, 501 Front St., Norfolk, VA 23510. The more readily accessible books on animal rights are, the more animals and people will benefit.
Around Town
- Ditch the big-brand logo tee and sport an animal-friendly message instead! Use your trip to soccer practice, the store, or anywhere else to express compassionate messages.
- Take literature with you wherever you go, and leave it everywhere—at the Laundromat, in waiting rooms, on the bus, or in dressing rooms, bookstores, coffee shops, and grocery stores. Never pass a bulletin board without tacking up a leaflet or poster. How much easier can it get?
- Set up an information table during community events and gatherings—anywhere there are people to talk to about animal rights. Or stand on a busy street corner and pass out free PETA literature to passersby. We’ll send you everything that you need and give you tons of great tips and talking points!
- Cook vegan meals for a local soup kitchen or for someone you know who is stuck at home. Help build doghouses for chained “backyard dogs” in your community and include dry straw that can be used as bedding.
- Volunteering in your community is a great way to spread the word about animal rights. Volunteer at your local animal shelter—most animal shelters welcome volunteers who can help walk dogs, clean cages, and dole out love and attention to needy animals. Walk your neighbor’s dog—all dogs deserve exercise and attention, so be a friend to a lonely dog in your neighborhood.
We’d love to hear your success stories so that we can share them with other Christians working for animal protection. Share them with us!