Every Lent, showing compassion to all living beings draws us closer to our loving God. Hear from Fr. Terry Martin about why the faithful should consider the suffering of animals this Lenten season.
Every year, millions of God’s animals suffer for worthless, wasteful experiments in American tax-funded laboratories. Support Research Modernization NOW for effective and compassionate science!
A PETA staffer reflects on a passage from the Book of Job and urges us to reframe our perspective toward compassion for all animals.
Our vital work for animals is not possible without the support of our generous donors. Help God’s animals this year with a monthly membership!
Providence, a Catholic-based organization, continues to let its Providence Alaska Medical Center sponsor the cruel Iditarod. Tell it to live out its Christian values by withdrawing its support of animal abuse!
Looking for last-minute gifts? We’ve got you covered—give a life-saving gift to animals while you honor your loved ones!
Here are five delicious vegan recipes to keep your Christmas kind!
Here’s why cruelty-free candles are best for our churches, our homes, and all the rest of God’s creation—plus where you can find them.
This Christmas, thank God for the gift of our Savior by showing His love to all of creation.