Did you know that father toads protect their tadpoles by sheltering them in their own mouths and don’t eat until their offspring are safe on their own? Or that father foxes play with their pups for hours a day and pass along survival skills to them? Fathers of all species love and care for their young, and when we look to nature, we see God-created bonds between fathers and their offspring almost everywhere. Let’s celebrate Father’s Day this year and every year with compassionate choices like these:

•              Cruelty-free ties. Silk ties are traditionally one of the most popular Father’s Day gifts, but did you know that 3,000 silkworms must be killed to make just 1 pound of silk? Fortunately, Jaan J. makes ties from animal-free poly microfiber. This brand even has a special line featuring PETA designs. Your dad will surely feel good having the most fashionably compassionate tie in the office.

•              Trash fishing. Instead of fishing for live animals, take your dad trash fishing! This is a fun, animal-friendly activity that helps clean up lakes and waterways, making a safer, more hygienic environment for fish, other aquatic animals, birds, and land animals who live on the shore. If you see anyone fishing in the area, you can politely ask them to join you in the fun.

•              Vegan BBQ. Who doesn’t love a compassionate cookout? Supermarkets are full of delicious vegan fare, so fire up the grill and treat your dad to some tasty vegan burgers, brats, and chicken. Here are a few yummy BBQ recipes for inspiration. And every great grill chef needs the right apron, so consider surprising your dad with this fun fashion statement from the PETA Shop.

•              Eco-friendly lawn and garden care. If your dad obsesses about the lawn or the garden, you can introduce him to compassionate, environmentally sound options for creating a yard that’s both beautiful and kind to animals.

•              PETA presents. Is your dad difficult to shop for? No problem! We’ve got fantastic ways to honor him by supporting our work for animals around the globe.

Fathers of all species play a vital role in their societies, and we can honor them with these fun and compassionate ideas. We at PETA LAMBS wish you a happy and compassionate Father’s Day.

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