Chained white pit big chain sad

This morning, we let Ohio State Representative John Barnes Jr. know that a thank-you note and a box of dog bone–shaped vegan chocolates are on their way from LAMBS. Barnes recently introduced a statewide bill that would ban the chaining of dogs. Talking about the bill, he said, “They’re God’s creations also, so they should be treated as such.”

We couldn’t agree more!

House Bill 94 is a godsend, as it would prohibit chaining dogs overnight, for longer than two consecutive hours, and during extreme weather, among other conditions.

PETA has compiled extensive information showing that banning chaining can protect animals and the community:

  • Dogs who are chained outdoors spend their entire lives eating, sleeping, and eliminating in the same few square feet of space, drawing flies and causing illness.
  • Chaining these highly social pack animals deprives them of the interaction that they need, which can make them aggressive.
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that chained dogs are nearly three times as likely to attack as dogs who aren’t chained.

Want to help dogs in your community? Be a watchdog for chained dogs. Make sure they have food, water, and shelter. If you see a dog in distress, contact humane authorities. Give the dog immediate relief by providing water. Try to help the owner understand why dogs belong indoors with their families, and offer your assistance with training, dog-walking, spaying and neutering, or anything else that will make the dog welcome indoors.


Get more info and order free brochures to share from PETA.

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