Just in time for Easter, PETA has placed this thought-provoking billboard in Chattanooga, Tennessee—recently named the second-most Bible-minded city in the U.S—showing a bloody meat cleaver emblazoned with the words “Thou Shalt Not Kill,” followed by the explanation “Love Animals—Don’t Eat Them.” This billboard is a reminder to residents that Easter is a celebration of Jesus’ victory over death and that Christians can embrace life over death by simply keeping animals off their plates—on Easter Sunday and every day.


Highway 58, near Wilcox

God created animals to enjoy playing outdoors, spending time with their families, and worshipping their creator—but on farms, mother pigs are often squeezed into narrow metal stalls barely larger than their own bodies and kept almost constantly pregnant or nursing. Pigs’ tails are chopped off, their teeth are clipped with pliers, and males are castrated—often without any painkillers. At slaughterhouses, they’re hung upside down and bled to death, often while still conscious.

Choosing vegan meals benefits human health and the environment, too. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, vegetarians are less prone to developing heart disease, diabetes, and cancer than meat-eaters are. In addition, raising animals for food is a leading cause of water consumption and pollution, land degradation, and greenhouse-gas emissions. Not only does switching to a vegan diet help the planet and our health, it is also a sign of our commitment to being the merciful stewards that God has called us to be.


Want to plan a delicious and cruelty-free Easter meal? Check out these recipes.

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