You’re smarter than advertisers think you are. On “humane,” “grass-fed,” and “organic” farms, animals are still subjected to cruel industry standards: severe crowding, physical mutilation without painkillers, and a terrifying death. The only “humane meat” is no meat at all.

As advertisers and agri-business begin to realize that consumers are horrified when they learn about standard practices on factory farms—extreme crowding, genetic manipulation, and mutilation without painkillers—they have come up with words to put on labels in order to make folks feel better about buying the products of this cruel industry.

God’s original design was for creation to be vegan—that is, for humans and animals alike to eat plants (check out Genesis 1:29-30 if you don’t remember that part). Luckily for us, a vegan diet is not only healthy for our bodies and for animals but also inexpensive and environmentally sustainable.

If you want more people to know the truth about the misleading labels on meat, dairy products, and eggs, share this eye-opening video on Facebook!

Pledge to try vegan for 30 days. 

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