Bullfighting is a horrifying celebration of animal abuse—and it’s also a grave violation of God’s covenant with all sentient beings (Hosea 2:18). These vile spectacles in which sensitive, terrified bulls are tortured, mutilated, and killed in front of cheering, bloodthirsty crowds are often held in predominately Catholic countries, where they’re commonly part of festivals dedicated to saints and even blessed by priests.
In light of this hypocrisy, longtime vegan and animal advocate Father Terry Martin is creating a stir in the Catholic community with his strong stance against barbaric bullfights. Last year, he joined with priests from France and Canada to send a letter to Pope Francis asking him to condemn bullfighting, and in January, he published an op-ed in the Catholic Herald pointing out that terrorizing and killing vulnerable animals is contrary to Christ’s teachings of mercy and compassion.
“Bullfights are cruel and have no part in legitimate religious celebrations,” writes Martin. “No one, Catholic or otherwise, should support bull torture under any circumstances.”
Martin’s resounding declaration joins PETA’s plea to the pope to urge all Catholics to live in peace and kindness: “The Church teaches compassion for all sentient beings, yet it’s complicit in the ritual torment and killing of persecuted bulls,” says PETA Vice President for U.K. and Europe Mimi Bekhechi. “PETA is calling on Pope Francis to condemn these vile spectacles, and we urge merciful people everywhere to stay far away from bullrings.”
As God tells us in Proverbs 12:10, “The righteous care for the needs of their animals, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel.” Please help protect bulls by adding your name to the petition urging Pope Francis to denounce this bloody spectacle.