As the weather gets colder, it’s good to remember that we should demonstrate compassion for sheep exploited for their fleece. In this PETA LAMBS video, Rev. Sarah Bowen of the Compassion Consortium leads a prayer for these gentle individuals.

A Prayer for Sheep

Heavenly God, we come to You now in this holy season to pray for the least of these. You told us that all of Your creation is precious to You and that You love each one just as You love us.

God, so many are suffering at the hands of humans. Gentle lambs, the very symbol of Your Son and of perfect innocence, are genetically manipulated and forced to grow not in the way that You intended but in a way that humans desire, to produce more wool for us. These lambs are beaten and abused, and in the end, they are slain for their skin and their flesh.

Hear their cries, God, and make human ears hear them, too. Open the eyes of those who would exploit them and profit from them, and in place of selfishness and vanity, instill in every human heart compassion and mercy. Teach us to treat others the way we would have them treat us. And let Your precious creation fill the Earth with Your glory as You intended it to.

We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

This prayer is part of PETA’s #WoolFreeWinter initiative, an annual effort to alert shoppers that sheep are abused in the wool industry and to encourage them to avoid wool all winter long.

Sheep, like all animals, feel pain, fear, and loneliness. But because there’s a market for their fleece and skins, they’re treated as nothing more than wool-producing machines. If they were left alone and not genetically manipulated, sheep would grow just enough wool to protect themselves from temperature extremes. Fleece provides them with effective insulation against both cold and heat.

PETA entities have exposed cruelty to sheep the world over, and at the more than 100 large operations that investigators have visited—even self-proclaimed “sustainable” and “responsible” farms—workers beat, stomped on, cut open the skin of, and slit the throats of conscious, struggling sheep.

Join us in a prayer to end this suffering by sharing this video with your friends and family. Have a #WoolFreeWinter by pledging to go wool-free and asking Urban Outfitters to ditch wool as well.

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