
Dear Fellow Believers,

On the eve of the National Day of Prayer—a day in which Christians across the U.S. offer prayers for forgiveness, guidance, and mercy—LAMBS is urging fellow Jesus followers and other participants to pray to end animal abuse and to take personal action by going vegan in what they eat, wear, and buy.

Prayer is a powerful part of Christian life, and scripture tells us that God wants us to open our ears to the cries of others—which surely includes animals who are raised and killed for food, clothing, and entertainment as well as those experimented on. Many will never have felt the warmth of the sun, formed friendships, roamed free, or done any of the other things that God intended for them before they are killed for a sweater, a shoe, a sandwich, or shampoo.

This year’s National Day of Prayer theme is “Lord, Hear Our Cry.” The question is, will Christians, who follow a compassionate Savior, hear and respond to the cries of God’s creatures?

Every time we shop, choose a form of entertainment, or feed our families, we can make compassionate choices, the choices that Jesus would have made. Three times a day, we have the opportunity to make the world a kinder and more compassionate place for animals simply by leaving them off our plates—swapping beans for beef, vegan wings for those made of real flesh, and almond milk for cow’s milk. Eating, wearing, and living vegan is something that we can all do every single day, and it’s an action that will relieve enormous suffering, for both humans and animals. Will you join me in praying for a vegan world?

Grace and peace,




Director of Christian Outreach and Engagement

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