In the wake of reports that conservative churches in Fountain Hill, Arizona, are posting large “Fact or Fiction” banners questioning the theology of a local progressive church, PETA has rushed a peacemaking offer to all parties involved—a tasty vegan dinner and a banner that all compassionate people can stand behind: “Fact: Eating Meat and Dairy Supports Cruelty to Animals. Be Kind to All. Go Vegan.”

In our letter to the churches, we cited the life of Jesus to point out that despite our differences, we’re called to stand together to advocate for the powerless—including God’s animals, whom we’ve been called to protect. No matter what denomination we each come from, we all can agree on one very real truth—cruelty to animals is wrong, and as stewards, we are called to stop it. Enjoying a vegan meal together is the perfect way to celebrate unity and stop the needless suffering of animals raised for food—and we hope they’ll agree.

Want to host a vegan meal at your church? Contact us, and we can help!

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