
After SeaWorld announced that Christian musicians Lecrae and Colton Dixon were set to perform at the park’s Praise Wave music festival, thousands of fans urged them to cancel their shows. Now SeaWorld has announced that Steven Curtis Chapman is joining the Praise Wave lineup. As we told Lecrae and Dixon, the treatment of animals at SeaWorld is a clear contradiction to the careful stewardship and loving dominion that we are called upon to show God’s creatures.

LAMBS has rushed a letter  to Chapman explaining that what orcas and other marine animals endure at SeaWorld is hell in the real world. God made orcas with desires and needs unique to them, but these basic rights are denied to them while they live miserably in tanks, instead of in the ocean homes that God intended for them. When God’s creatures are suffering as orcas at SeaWorld are, we have a calling as stewards to act to protect them—and we hope Chapman will agree.

As a Grammy-winning artist and, more importantly, a follower of Christ, we hope that he will cancel his scheduled performance at SeaWorld. We know that Lecrae, Dixon, and Chapman care about what their fans have to say—which makes your voice more important than ever! Please click the button below to politely ask them to stand up for the animals held captive at SeaWorld!

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