
After Lecrae and Colton Dixon ignored our repeated requests to cancel their performances at SeaWorld—PETA came to Orlando to join the Animal Rights Foundation of Florida to speak up for orcas and other marine animals held captive by SeaWorld. Almost 50 activists stood near the entrance of SeaWorld holding signs to educate the public about SeaWorld’s abuse of God’s creatures, while demanding a boycott of the abusement park. There was even a special guest—”Moses”—who brought a prophetic message from God: “SeaWorld: Let orcas be free.”


God made orcas with desires and needs unique to them, but these basic rights are denied to them while they live miserably in tanks, instead of in the ocean homes that God intended for them.

Christians all over are speaking out for God’s creatures and are parting the sea of violence by boycotting SeaWorld. Although Lecrae and Dixon played, there is still time to ask Steven Curtis Chapman to cancel his performance at Praise Wave. Please click the button below to ask him politely to stand up for the animals held captive at SeaWorld!

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